I went through Grayson’s clothes over the weekend to make room for the new clothes that he received for Christmas and was reminded of just HOW FAST he is growing.
I sat there amidst the piles and piles of tiny socks and too-small clothes and softly cried while boxing them up. He’s growing so fast and couldn’t help but think to myself, “How do moms do this over and over?” Watch their babies grow into toddlers, into children, into teenagers (especially into teenagers), and then into adults? It’s cliche for me to say,” Where has the time gone?,” but it’s the truth.
When he was born I had no idea what I was doing, so just the sheer terror of keeping a baby alive kind of kept me from enjoying the fact that he was so tiny. I hope that with our next baby I’m able to sit back and enjoy more. (This time, I’ll have someone to come clean my house every other week, which is an absolute GODSEND.)
Over the next few weeks, I’m starting to clear out our second bedroom to begin his big-boy room. I’m looking forward to it, but the thought him being old enough for a transition into a different room evokes the same kinds of feelings in me. He’s just getting to a point where he’s outgrowing all the baby things in there, and it’s just time for him to transition into a regular bed with space for all his trains, dinosaurs and toy cars. (sob!)
He received this really cute dinosaur bedding for Christmas, and I have a trip to Ikea planned soon to purchase his bed, a new bookcase and some shelves for his overflowing book collection. Much like planning the nursery, I have an overall idea of how I want it to look.
Another milestone we’ll be reaching soon? Potty training… duhn duhn duhn…