Growth. That was my word for 2017. Even when I didn't want it. Especially when I didn't want it. This was the year that forced me to face some pretty terrifying demons. I've learned more about myself this year than I have in the past ten. I met (and learned from)...
I Hear the Mourning Dove and Think of Him
There's something about the arrival of summer that makes me miss my grandfather, or Grandaddy, as he was affectionately known, like the dickens. Maybe it's the arrival of fresh tomatoes and green beans in the grocery store or the smell that the grass emits when it's...
Gratitude. Ambition. Hope. And Most Importantly, Love.
One year ago I wasn't in a very good place. I was struggling mentally, physically and emotionally. My body was readjusting to my new normal after giving up breastfeeding Alex, and I spent the first couple months of 2015 in a dark place that I wasn't sure I'd ever get...
Goodbye to This House
This isn't any old house. This is the house of my childhood. The only constant that I've ever known in my almost-31 years. I've lived in a handful of houses over the years and haven't missed a single one. Even getting there was an adventure. At that time, highway 77...
Kicking Myself in the Feels.
This weekend, one of my brothers is getting married. Well, he's technically a cousin, but he's one of those love-him-like-your-own-brother cousins. We grew up together and spent entire summers together at my grandmother's house at Lake Norman just north of Charlotte,...